Fast forward 5,241 days, we were married. 2,760 days later, SUPERFANTASTIC was born.
We always knew that we’d get to this point, where our corresponding expertise and years of creative work would meld into a studio that was equal parts of us. We, all 7 billion of us, see things from a slightly different angle, through a slightly different lens. It’s the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s also absolute fucking chaos.
It’s no wonder so many have set about the business of labeling, of building “this or that” binaries onto the human experience. It can be comforting to think that opposites are parallel lines stretching out forever and never touching, when really it’s more like a double helix, two truths wrapped around the other, bound by energy communicating one to the other. Yet, we are all witnessing a cultural release of binary thinking, embracing complexity, and leading with openness. You can see it in art, language, fashion, policy, media.
We are too expansive to be reduced. Our hearts and minds don’t fit neatly in boxes.
As creatives, as SUPERFANTASTIC, it’s our mission to embrace this tension, to find and express the truth in mess. To make great work that is meticulous and bold, with great thoughtfulness and irreverence. To do things that inspire us, that heal a small part of us, that we feel might help make some sense of the chaos.